Category Archives: Uncategorized

New School Year, No Progress on G.R.A.B. School

In case you haven’t heard, G.R.A.B. has been making a program specifically for schools. The program, called G.R.A.B. Schools, was born in early 2013, and since then has been developing into the program it is today. Our entire focus was on the program, at one point. Since that point in time, our focus and research on the product has been declining, and really went down when a school declined out offer.  We are hoping to increase the focus, but that would require your help. If you are at a school with no bullying program, send them our way. We are small but ready to help. Thanks for all your help!

G.R.A.B. Cares

Earlier this year, one of our members, Jacob H., got poison ivy at a campout at a camp with a confidential name, for privacy. He then went back to that camp later that year, and the poison ivy didn’t get better, so it got worse at summer camp. Only 2 weeks after that, he went to the ER for his poison ivy. He is okay now, and he did not have to spend the night, but make sure to keep him in your prayers, and that the poison ivy will go away. Jacob is a great member of our group, and we want to make sure all our members are safe. 

Website malfunction fixed

Hello again! Our recent website malfunction has been fixed, and the banner will work again. The reason we were able to fix it so quickly is because the banners we had didn’t have 1 selected, which caused a problem. We are planning on changing the banner in April once we establish a new director. The director will be part of the group of people that chooses the new banner. Thank you. 


-G.R.A.B. Technology Staff

Website Malfunction

Hey everyone! Our website’s banner, which is displayed across the top of the website, is malfunctioning on almost all web browsers. We will be removing the current banner to keep the page looking its best, and we will let you know more soon. This is temporary and we have no intention of removing it permanently. Thanks for choosing G.R.A.B. Have a wonderful day!