Website malfunction fixed

Hello again! Our recent website malfunction has been fixed, and the banner will work again. The reason we were able to fix it so quickly is because the banners we had didn’t have 1 selected, which caused a problem. We are planning on changing the banner in April once we establish a new director. The director will be part of the group of people that chooses the new banner. Thank you. 


-G.R.A.B. Technology Staff

Website Malfunction

Hey everyone! Our website’s banner, which is displayed across the top of the website, is malfunctioning on almost all web browsers. We will be removing the current banner to keep the page looking its best, and we will let you know more soon. This is temporary and we have no intention of removing it permanently. Thanks for choosing G.R.A.B. Have a wonderful day!

Winter Paralympic Coverage Cancelled

Recently, a post has been created on here to tell you that we will also be covering the Sochi 2014 Winter Paralympics. We have decided as a whole that doing so would be too much, especially since there is too little advertising of it on TV. It is already day 4, and we haven’t even gotten one thing up about it. Sorry for anyone who relied on us for coverage, but instead, you can go to the people who really keep things updated. Go to to get information. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.